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What is internal audit?

Internal audit is a dynamic profession that provides independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively Essentially, Internal Auditors help organisations to succeed.

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Job Codes


Job Codes

200 Chief Auditing Executive - I am the most senior auditing officer for the organisation with ultimate responsibility for the entire internal auditing function

210 Director of Auditing I am the chief auditor authorized to direct a broad, comprehensive program of internal auditing within my organisation

220 Audit Manager - I administer the internal auditing activity of an assigned location within the general guidelines provided by the director of auditing.

230 Internal Auditor - I conduct, or assist in conducting, reviews of assigned organisational and functional activities.

240 IT Auditing Director - I am the head of the IT auditing activity within my organisation

250 IT Auditing Manager - I administer the IT auditing activity of an assigned location within the general guidelines provided by the Director of Auditing

260 IT Auditing Staff - I conduct, or assist in conducting, reviews of assigned organisational and functional activities relating to IT auditing

275 Audit Services Contractor - I offer internal audit services on a contracted basis

280 External Public Accountant - I am a practicing certified public accountant, chartered accountant etc.

300 Corporate Management - I am a corporate officer, CFO, CIO, CEO (and do not qualify under another job code above).

310 Educator - I am principally employed as an educator at a college or university (PhD, BA, BSc, DipEd etc.)

320 Student - I am pursuing a degree program at a college or university (including doctorate candidates) on a fulltime basis.

330 Retired - I am retired from active employment (otherwise refer to another job code)

340 Audit Committee Member - I am an audit committee member of a corporate board of directors (and do not qualify under another job code above).

350 Management Consultant - I am primarily an independent consultant with an interest in internal auditing (otherwise refer to another job code).

360 Other - specify title or job description

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