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Welcome to the Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand, the professional body for internal auditing
8 June, 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm (Singapore time) As we navigate an era of economic uncertainty and growing stakeholder expectations to do more with less, controlling costs and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse in the complex and challenging business environment is more critical than ever. A great place to start is with your Accounts Payable department. Instead of spending hours reviewing invoices and payments, your audit and finance teams can enhance operational efficiency by using data analytics and process automation technology to uncover irregularities such as unauthorised spending, revenue leakage, and waste, as well as provide insightful information for decision-making. IIA Singapore webinars listed on the IIA NZ website are open to all IIA NZ members and non-members on a complimentary basis using the promo code, JUN23. Registration for these webinars is through the IIA Singapore website. The fee for non-members is S$35. To convert the event date and time to your local time, select the iCal calendar at the top right of the event listing. Please contact Geng Tao at gengtao.lee@iia.org.sg if you need support with the registration process. Attendance will provide 1 CPE per hour.
IIA Singapore Webinar: Cost Control During Economic Uncertainty: Leveraging Audit Innovation
Cost Control During Economic Uncertainty: Leveraging Audit Innovation